Prime Theory Of Motivation
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I was was wondering how mindfulness and acceptance of urges (for example Marlatt's urge surfing technique) fits with the model, it suggests more of a detached observation of the urge/impulse as oppose
Mindfulness, as far as I understand it, involves paying attention to a feeling and attempting to keep it in attention and reflect on it, possibly reinterpreting it in a way that weakens its emotional impact. Acceptance also involves interpreting emotional experiences differently in a way that is intended to reduce the experience of negative emotion. In PRIME theory terms there are two things potentially going on. One is that by focusing attention on an emotion, in some cases this will lead to 
hi thank you for the reply, but I can only see half the answer
... habituation. However, not all emotions habituate and there will be occasions when it is counter productive. With regard to re-interpretation, the idea is to produce new evaluations that, if appropriate linked to core aspects of identity, will have the capacity to generate powerful new wants and needs or suppression of 'unwanted' wants and needs. 
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