Prime Theory Of Motivation
Publications - list with references/purchase links

This section lists key publications relating to the theory or applying the theory to specific issues such as cigarette addiction.

The main description of the theory is in West R (2006) Theory of Addiction. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell available from Amazon (link).

Theory Of Addiction
  Theory Of Motivation Curve
Publication (reference)
Smit, E, Fidler J, West R (In press) The role of desire, duty and intention in predicting attempts to quit smoking. Addiction. 2011
Fidler J, West R (In press) Enjoyment of smoking and urges to smoke as predictors of attempts and success of attempts to stop smoking: a longitudinal study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011
West R, Walia A, Hyder N, Shahab L, Michie S (2010) Behaviour change techniques used by the English Stop Smoking Services and their associations with short-term quit outcomes. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 12, 742-7. 2010
Michie S, Hyder N, Walia A, West R (2011) Development of a taxonomy of behaviour change techniques used in individual behavioural support for smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors, 36(4), 315-319. 2010
McEwen A, West R (2010) The PRIME approach to giving up smoking. Practice Nursing, 21(3): 145 - 153 2010
West R, Possible application of PRIME Theory of motivation to promote safer driving. In Behavioural Studies in Road Safety 17. London: DfT 2009
Michie S, Churchill S, West R (2011) Identifying evidence-based competences required to deliver behavioral support for smoking cessation. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(1), 59-70 2009
West R (2009) The multiple facets of cigarette addiction and what they mean for encouraging and helping smokers to stop. COPD: The Journal of Chronic Obstructive Disease, 6, 277-283. 2009
West R, The PRIME Theory of motivation as a possible foundation for addiction treatment. In J Henningfield, P Santora and W (Eds) Drug Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century: Science and Policy Issues. Baltimore: John\'s Hopkins University Press. (ISBN 978-0801886690) 2007